Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) (2 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season)
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"Do you think we can...?" Ashley asks, whispering, sparing a glance at my still throbbing cock.

"Look, Princess," I whisper, telling it to her straight.  "I seriously want to lay you down on the ground and fuck the shit out of you right now, and then fuck you again afterwards for good measure, but we have all of a minute before my dad starts to get suspicious about why we aren't out there yet, and I doubt either of us can do all that much in a minute."

She sighs and pouts a little more.  Fuck, what's with the pouting?  Seriously, it's making me hard, which is quite the feat considering I'm already hard as fuck.

"Sorry," she says to me, sneaking in quick and kissing me.  Then she says the same thing to my cock.  "Sorry," she whispers, leaning close enough to kiss the tip.  Her tongue languishes, tracing a line from the center, to the outside, then all the way around.

She's not sorry.  No fucking way is she sorry.  She's not even remotely sorry, because here she is almost giving me a blowjob, and... holy fucking shit.

She cups my balls in one hand, squeezing them a little, then parts her lips and goes all the way down my cock as far as she can, just taking me in her mouth, no big deal.  This is kind of a big deal, Princess.  Do you have any idea what you're starting here?

Instinctive, completely forgetting what I said before, I grab the back of her head and grip her hair in my fingers while she bobs up and down on my cock.  She keeps going, just doesn't even fucking stop.  I don't know if I love her or I hate her right now.  Maybe a mix of both.

Aw yeah... take it, Princess.  This is nice.  I could do this all fucking day, except we don't have all day.  We've got like... what, a minute or two?

Nah.  Not even that.

"You two coming?" my dad asks.  He's pretty fucking close to the entrance to the tent again.

Cockblocked again?  Are you serious, Dad?  It's Ashley's fault again, too.  I don't think she realizes how much she torments me.  It's beautiful fucking torment, but this shit is still torturous as fuck.

Ugh.  Whatever.  I'm done.

She bobs back up, and I just kind of lay there, defeated.  I didn't cum.  I've got a huge fucking erection throbbing between my legs and I didn't cum and I'm supposed to go out and help my dad with breakfast?

Fuck this shit.  That's all I've got to say right now: Fuck this shit.

Ashley kisses the head of my cock again and whispers another apology to me, then she just slinks away, nothing doing, grabs her regular clothes, and slips them on fast.  I lay there, on my back, with half a mind to just jerk off and finish this quick so I don't have to go through the pain of an unfulfilled sexual encounter.  Also, how the fuck am I supposed to put my shorts on with what's throbbing between my legs?

Fuck if I know.

*** Ashley

Ethan somehow manages to get his shorts on, despite the fact that his erection doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.  I grin and try not to laugh, but it's hard.  He grins at me, though, and gives me a look like he's going to show me exactly how
it is later.

When we step out of the tent, he's mostly back to normal.  I can see a faint outline of his shaft through his shorts, but they're loose enough that it's not too obvious.  His dad is working on lighting a fire and doesn't seem to notice much of anything except that we're finally out and about.  My mom joins us soon after, and we all make breakfast together.

It's kind of strange, though?  It's not strange that we're all together, but cooking breakfast over a campfire is an entirely new experience for me.  I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this.  It seems more communal in a way.  It reminds me of when my mom and I cooked together back before she married Ethan's dad.

We lived in a small apartment with just a regular sized stove and a microwave to cook with.  One of the burners on the top had burnt out and we didn't have enough money to pay for someone to fix it.  Honestly it wasn't a huge deal, because we had three more burners on the stove, but it was one of the bigger ones so it was sort of almost impossible to cook anything in two big pots or pans at the same time.  The smaller burners were alright for some things, but if we wanted to cook a big meal we ended up having some issues.

I never minded, though.  We just couldn't always cook stuff evenly, and when we finished one dish and set it aside to start on the next, inevitably the first was a little cool by the time we were ready to eat.  The microwave solved most of our problems, but reheating is never really the same as fresh, piping hot food.

That all changed when we moved in with Ethan and his dad, though.  The concept of a stove burner that doesn't work was completely foreign to the both of them.  Also we have two full-sized stoves now, both right next to each other.  Plus a million other things to cook with.  A rice cooker, rotisserie, side grill, a fryer... there's a lot more, but those are the things we use the most.

Now, though, it's just the campfire, and the four of us.  It's kind of fun and I really like it.  It reminds me of when my mom and I used to playfully fight for space in our cramped apartment kitchen while cooking together.

Ethan and I sit sort of side by side around the fire while my mom and dad sit next to each other, but closer.  We're in lawn-style chairs that Ethan and his dad packed sometime yesterday for this very reason.  It's cozy and nice, and the crackle of the fire is warm and inviting.

Ethan's dad sets up this grill sort of thing over the fire so that he can rest a pan on top of it, and we use that for eggs.  It seems weird, but it works really well.  We cook our own bacon on skewers, kind of like how we cooked the hot dogs last night.  It's a little harder to skewer bacon on a stick, but it works fine and it's fun.  I like how it's really fresh and you can cook it as crispy as you want.

I laugh when Ethan cooks his bacon just barely long enough to make sure it's cooked.  He eats it as soon as it's safely done, not bothering with crispiness or anything.  Then he gets more.

"Something funny?" he asks me when he's finished his third piece of bacon and I've barely finished cooking my first and just started to skewer my second.

"You sure are hungry, huh?" I say.

"I need to keep my strength up," he says, smirking.  "I've got a lot of plans for today that are going to require a lot of energy."

I blush and mumble something, looking away from him.  What's he even mean by that?  I think I know exactly what he means, but I can't just come out and say it, nor can I ask him.  His dad seems oblivious to any of Ethan's sexual undertones, and my mom just shakes her head and sighs.

"Speaking of what we have planned for the day," my stepdad says.  "You two want to do anything in particular?"

"What's there to do?" my mom asks, genuinely curious.

"Hiking?" Ethan offers.

"Yeah, there's that," his dad says.  "We could go to the lake, too.  The main lake area is busier, but there's a river that feeds into it that's nice.  There's natural rock slides there, carved and smoothed down by the river over hundreds and hundreds of years.  It's fun."

"Yeah, there's this one spot where you can jump off a twenty foot high cliff into the water, too.  It's pretty cool."

"I think I'll leave the cliff diving to you, Ethan," my mom says, winking at him before turning to me.  "What about you, Ashley?"

"Um..."  This is a step, I think.  It's a step in the direction of being slightly less of a good girl.  Sort of, though maybe not exactly.  "I kind of want to try the cliff jumping thing... if it's safe?"

"Yeah," Ethan says, smiling at me.  "It's safe, don't worry.  I can show you."

"Maybe we could ask Caleb to come with us?" Ethan's dad says.

Maybe we can just ruin the mood completely?  I don't say this, and I don't think I'd ever say it, but that's really what happens.  One second Ethan is smiling, talkative, cooking his bacon, and the next he's quiet, glowering at his dad, practically bristling.  Ethan's dad seems completely oblivious and continues to focus on scrambling the eggs in the one pan we have.

He finishes the eggs and dishes them out to each of us.  No one is talking now, and I think it's for an obvious reason, but we have food as an excuse to be quiet, too.  We eat our eggs on paper plates with plastic forks.  Ethan's dad takes out large slices of bread and starts to toast them in the pan, using the same bacon grease he used for the eggs to make sure they don't stick.  The bread toasts nicely, but it also soaks up some of the oil, becoming partly fried, as well.

I get the first piece of toast, and I say thank you, but I feel weird about it.  I think this is the first time that Ethan's dad suspects something is wrong.  It's weird to me that he doesn't notice these things very easily, because I can see them pretty clearly, but I guess it's because Ethan and I are being quiet about our secret.

I'm not even sure how to tell him, either.  I want to, and I know Ethan does, too, but honestly I don't know how.  It seems so hard and impossible.  It's also not my job to do it.  Ethan wants to be the one to tell him, and...

I want to support him in this.  I really really do.  I just kind of wonder what would happen if I did it?  Would it be alright if I asked Ethan's dad if we could talk privately and then I just told him everything?  Would he be fine with it?  I don't know what he would think about it.  I'm not anywhere near as close with my stepfather as I am my mother, which seems obvious, but the problem there is that Ethan's closer with my mom than he is his father, too.  Maybe my mom is just easier to talk to.  I don't really know for sure.

We finish eating, regardless.  The food is good and it's fun to sit together and cook and eat.  I didn't know exactly how it worked before, but this is how I thought camping would be.  It's cozy and nice and intimate in a familiar and safe sort of way.  The sun shines on us, bright rays sneaking through the treetops, and a gentle breeze swishes through the leaves, mixing with the songs of birds flying from branch to branch above us.

"We probably shouldn't be getting too far ahead of ourselves," Ethan's dad says once we're finished eating.  "We've got plenty of time to enjoy the great outdoors, but we should look into getting some food supplies while we're here.  Maybe some fishing bait, too?"

"There's a grocery store, right?" my mom asks.

"Kind of," my stepdad says.  "It's a lot smaller than what we've got back home.  More locally grown food, though, which is nice.  It's quaint, but it should have everything we need."

"Do you want to go food shopping with me, Ashley?" my mom asks, smiling.

I smile back at her and nod.  "Sure, that sounds fun."

"Maybe you two boys can find something to do while we're gone?" my mom says, looking from Ethan to his dad, then back again.

Ethan mutters something and shrugs.  His dad looks at him—actually looks at him now, and I think he's seeing something or someone he's never really seen before.

"Yeah, I'm sure we can," Ethan's dad says, smiling a little.  "Ethan, you want to check out the bait shop with me?  We can find out more about what's been going on since we've been gone and see if we can plan some fun things for the ladies.  How's that sound?"

"Yeah, I guess," Ethan says, shrugging.  "Sounds alright.  Fishing's fun."

Is this good?  I don't know.  I think my mom planned this, though.  If it's Ethan and his dad together alone, and then me and my mom, it'll make it easier for everyone to talk to each other?  Sort of... or that's what I hope.

"Is there somewhere to shower first, though?" my mom asks.  "I'm not used to this!  I'd really love to wash up some before we go anywhere."

My stepdad laughs.  "Yeah, you remember the main office?  Right by there there's some shower stalls and regular bathrooms.  I brought a few rolls of quarters for everyone.  I'm not sure how much it is now, but you just go in a shower stall, put some quarters in, and you've got yourself a nice shower for a few minutes.  If you need more, feel free to add more, but try not to go crazy with it.  Everyone shares the showers here, so you might end up with a line."

"It's just one shower?" I ask.  That seems sort of restrictive, but I guess it's camping so it makes sense that it would be.

"There's a few," Ethan's dad says.  "They're all right next to each other.  You have privacy and the shower doors lock, but you might end up taking a shower with someone in the stall right next to you on either side."

"Yeah," Ethan says.  "It's not like anyone can see in yours, though.  They're pretty big stalls, too."

"Yeah.  Nothing to worry about.  Just takes some getting used to, I guess.  At the end of the day, a shower is still a shower, though."

I do like showers... also, I have some plans.  I don't know if these are good plans or not, but I have them, and I sort of want to do them.

That's what got me in trouble this morning, isn't it?  If I already got into trouble, why not get into more, though?

I'm pretty sure this is how it starts.  I'm beginning to understand Ethan's bad boy ways a little better.

*** Ethan

My dad and Ashley clean up by the fire while Ashley's mom goes to take a shower and I do some other stuff.  I don't really have a plan in mind here, but there's always something to do when you're camping.  I unload some junk that Ashley's mom wanted out of the car and put it between the tents.  After that, I go grab my bag with my clothes in it and make sure I've got everything ready for my own shower.  By the time all of that's done and Ashley and my dad have our stuff cleaned up from breakfast, my stepmom is walking back.

I head to the showers with my bag and a roll of quarters.  She smiles at me as we cross paths, her going back to the campsite and me walking away from it.  Her hair is still wet and it glistens in the bright morning sun.

"I can't believe I didn't think to bring a hair dryer!" she says, grinning.

"Yeah, tons of places to plug it in out here," I say with a smirk.

She laughs.  "A girl can dream, right?"

"I guess you could always see if there's an electric hand dryer in the bathrooms up there and stick your head under it?" I offer.

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