Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) (3 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season)
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She laughs even more and slaps playfully at my shoulder.  "Sure, you try it first and let me know how it goes."

We separate then, her going back to our campsite and my dad, and me continuing on to take a shower.

It's weird, but Ashley's mom is so much easier to get along with compared to my dad.  I don't really want to compare her to my mom, but I think this must be what it's like to actually have a mother, too.  I think about it sometimes, and think about what my mom would say to me if she was still around.  To be honest, it's kind of hard, though.  It's hard to remember everything about her and everything I know is trapped in the framing of a little kid.

I really like Ashley's mom, though.  I'm glad she's my stepmom.  I guess it's weird, but I think my mom would approve, too.  I think she'd be happy that my dad found someone again, even if it took him awhile to do it.

I don't really know what my real mom would think about me dating my stepsister, but whatever.  It's cool.  I think she'd be cool with it.

My dad, though... yeah, he's not making this any easier.

The entire way to the showers I think about how to tell him.  Do I even want to tell him?  Fuck if I know, but I feel like eventually I kind of have to tell him, don't I?  It's just one of those things that's going to come out sooner or later.  Like... fuck... what if Ashley and I get married?  Pretty fucking sure my dad's going to want to be invited to the wedding.

How the fuck does that even work?  Shit, this is complicated, huh?  So, alright, the bride's father walks her down the aisle, but that would be my dad?  What's the groom do?  Does the mom walk him down the aisle?  I don't think so.  I think there's first dance shit or something.

Wait, what the fuck?  Why am I thinking about marriage?  Seriously, that's fucked up.  I've been dating Ashley for barely more than a week.  I need to chill the fuck out or something.

You know what would be easiest, though?  Eloping.  You don't have to worry about anything if you elope.  You just sort of run off somewhere and get married without all that fancy shit and there you go.  Pretty sure Ashley's mom would castrate me if I didn't let her go to her daughter's wedding, though.  You know what ruins a honeymoon real fucking quick?  Being castrated.  Shit.

Yeah, so, anyways, shower.  I'm there.  It's basically the same as I remember it.  I step into one of the shower stalls around back and hang my bag up on the wall opposite the showerhead, then close the door and start to get undressed.  When I'm good and ready, I get a handful of quarters out of the roll and pop them into the timer.

A dollar for five minutes?  Fuck yeah, let's splurge a little.  Ten minute shower?  Holy fuck, maybe fifteen?  Don't go crazy here, Ethan, save some water for everyone else.  I put in four quarters, turn the knob to start the timer, then toss in four more for another five minutes.  I'll see how it goes from there.

That's the plan, at least.  Apparently I'm really fucking bad at shower plans, though.

*** Ashley

I secretly convince my mom to distract Ethan's dad for a second.  This is all part of my secret plans, which, um... they're not very elaborate, but it's the simple plans that are the most effective, right?  I read that somewhere once but I don't remember where, and honestly I don't even know if it's true or not.

This plan isn't going to take a whole lot of effort, I just need to be a little sneaky for a second, that's all.  I slip into the tent Ethan and I are sharing and then grab my clothes for the day, plus my shampoo and conditioner and my toothbrush and toothpaste just in case.  You can never be too careful, right?

My mom is still talking to Ethan's dad and distracting him for the time being, which gives me plenty of time to slip away.  I hurry away from our campsite, jogging quick down the road.  Once I'm out of view, I slow down a little.  I can't go too fast, because that would ruin part of my plan...

It's a secret plan.  Shhh!  Don't tell anyone, alright?

I realize I'm walking a little too fast when I see Ethan up ahead.  He's got his back to me, so he can't see me, but that's definitely him.  I slow down so that I don't catch up and so that he won't see me.  It would kind of ruin the secret if he did, which is the entire point of this.

I wonder when we can tell his dad everything?  I'm not sure.  His dad doesn't seem very receptive to the idea, to be honest.  I can sort of understand some of what he's doing, and I kind of like that he's thinking about me?  I just don't like the fact that he thinks I'd like to spend time with Caleb.

I mean, it's not like I don't want to spend time with Caleb, either, though.  I just don't want to spend romantic time with him?  I think that's it, except I don't even know.  I'm going to be super honest for a second and say that I'm actually not entirely sure what to do with a boy if you're just hanging out with them.  Basically all of my friends are girls, except maybe Ethan, and Ethan's not even really my friend anymore, is he?  Do boyfriends count as regular friends, too?

He wasn't exactly my friend before this, and I think we only ended up hanging out because our parents got married.  Also, he didn't hang out with me a lot or anything, but we were sort of partly forced to hang out.  It was fun, though.  I liked all the times we spent together, and I think Ethan did, too.

I blush, remembering the party he planned shortly after me and my mom moved in with him and his dad.  Our parents were away for the weekend and then I blurted out at the end that I was mad I didn't get to kiss anyone during any of the kissing games, and, um...

That was the first time we kissed.  That was my first kiss ever, too.  It was kind of weird, but I liked it.

I don't even know why I'm blushing, because recently we've done a lot more than kiss.  This morning we did a lot more than kiss!  I just liked it, though.  I really like that Ethan was the first boy I ever kissed.

I want to be a first for him, too.  I guess I am already, since I'm the first girl he's ever really dated, but I want to be another sort of first.  I don't know what yet.  I'm going to have to ask him and figure it out.

Before I realize it, I'm at the showers.  It's kind of a strange building.  It's rectangular and set off to the side, though I can see the main office from here, too.  It's got two doors close together in the middle of this side, both of which lead to a bathroom, one for men and the other for women.  Spaced further apart, one to the left of those doors and one to the right, are larger doors that lead into the shower stalls.

The shower stalls are kind of huge!  I don't know what I expected there, but, yup, they're huge.  This is good.  It's perfect for my plans.

I'm guessing there's showers on the other side of the building, too, but I watch Ethan go into one in front of me.  He still hasn't seen me, which is good.  It's a secret, remember?

He closes the door behind him and a few moments later the water turns on.  The doors don't go entirely to the floor or the ceiling, so I can see his feet through the bottom sometimes as he walks from one end of the stall room to the other.

I look around quick, making sure no one's watching me, and then I hurry to the shower that Ethan went into and open the door.  Thankfully he didn't lock it.  I slip  in fast and close it behind me, then lock it and run to the opposite side away from the water.

Ethan stares at me as I enter.  He's completely naked from head to toe, with water cascading across his sexy, muscular body, just standing there, watching me.

As soon as he sees me, his cock twitches.  Well, hello to you, too...

I wink at him and he smirks.

*** Ethan

Apparently the shower fairy has decided to visit me.  What, you've never heard of the shower fairy?  Yeah, I don't know, I think she's some sexy as fuck little nymph that sometimes decides to join you in the shower.  Sort of like the tooth fairy, but for adults.  I'm pretty sure I like what the shower fairy has to offer a lot more than what the tooth fairy gives you, though.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask, smirking at Ashley.

Good fucking thing I didn't lock the door when I came in, huh?  I didn't think anyone would interrupt me when I had the water on, so I doubted it would have mattered, but it seems to have worked out in my favor.

"Oh, just showering," she says, coy.

"Oh yeah?" I ask.  "You do realize there's like, what, four showers?"

"Really, Ethan?" she says, hands on her hips.  "Haven't you ever heard of helping the environment?  I'm trying to save water here.  This is for a good cause."

"Little Miss Perfect Environmentalist, huh?" I say, smirking.

She tosses me a dirty look and sticks her tongue out at me.  Yeah yeah, whatever.  It's not like I'm actually going to kick her out.  How fucking stupid would that be?

She didn't really think this through too well, though.  The shower is on and despite her best efforts, her shoes are getting wet.  Also, she's got socks on, too.  I took all that stuff off before turning the water on and tossed it on the wooden bench opposite the wall with the showerhead so it wouldn't get wet.  Ashley hurries and throws the change of clothes she brought into my bag hanging on a hook on the wall, then rips off her shoes and socks and puts them on the bench.

Yeah, actually, you know what?  If she's going to do a good deed, help the environment and all, I figure I should do one, too.  It's only fair, right?  I stride across the stall towards her, grab the bottom of her shirt, and rip it up and off her body in one smooth stroke.  She was working on getting undressed on her own, so she just kind of stands there, surprised, mouth open, staring at me.  My hands are wet, and now her shirt is, too, but what the fuck do I care?  I toss it onto the bench with her shoes and socks, then reach around and unsnap her bra in one second flat.

The straps fall down her arms and the entire thing just drops to the floor after that.  She stares at me, gaping, eyes wide.

"Ethan!" she says, pretending to be alarmed.

"Why are you still wearing clothes?" I ask her.  "Hurry the fuck up and get naked."

She does.  Yeah, that's it, Princess.  I love how she's scrambling to get naked for me.  Fuck, this is glorious.  I don't help her with her shorts, because it's more fun to watch.  She scrambles quick with the button and zipper, then pulls them down her legs fast and steps out of them.  When she almost stumbles and falls, I reach for her and help her stay steady.  Her panties come next and those come off even faster.

She throws her shorts onto the bench, but she surprises me by throwing her panties right at me.  They cling to my face, blinding me for a second, and then a second after that I've got this girl's soft, warm, partly wet body clinging to me.  She wraps her arms around me and presses tight against me, embracing me.  I snatch her panties away from my face and fling them against the wall, where they fall and land in the pile of the rest of her clothes.

Fuck this.  You know how much I hated getting cockblocked this morning?  Apparently about as much as Ashley hated it.  I don't even know when I got hard, but I'm hard as fuck right now.  She wiggles and moves, trapping my cock between her thighs.  Aw yeah, holy fuck, that's nice.

I pull back a little, then thrust forward.  My cock glides between her thighs just under her pussy, and when I press forward I grab her ass and pull her as close as I can.  Her clit grinds against the center of my body and the top of my shaft.  She squirms a little, grinding against me even more, too.

This is some crazy shit right here.  This is like having sex except not actually having sex.  Kind of like dry humping except we don't have any clothes on and also we're standing right under the shower now so we're anything but dry.  Water crashes down against her body and mine, making us slick and wet.  I move my hands from her ass to her upper back and squeeze her tight, feeling her slick, shining breasts against my chest.  Her nipples are hard as fuck and I just kind of want to bend down and pop them in my mouth, then roll them around with my tongue.

I don't get a chance to do this.  This is not what Ashley has in mind.  This is her surprise plan, so I guess I'm just kind of along for the ride at the moment.  Don't worry, I'm not complaining.

She slides away from me, which is easy considering we're both wet and getting wetter by the moment.  I try to grab her and keep her close, but the water covering her smooth body makes it hard and it's easy for her to escape me.  She doesn't go very far, though.  Doesn't even really go anywhere but down.

When she's kneeling in front of me, almost on her knees, she grabs my cock and  strokes it fast.  Once, twice, and third time's the charm, I guess.  Before the fourth stroke, while I'm reeling from the sudden sensation, she takes my cock in her mouth.  Just like... for real, all the fucking way.  Holy fuck, this girl's a  freak.

Her beautiful lips wrap around my shaft and work their way down.  I'm in heaven.  Yeah, I told you the shower fairy is way better than the tooth fairy.  You didn't believe me before, did you?  I know what the fuck I'm talking about, alright?

She bobs up and down on my cock.  I'm considerate, though.  I'm a real good boyfriend here.  I shift to the side so water doesn't spray in her face and then I put my hands on the side of her head, protecting her from any stray splashes.  It's not because I want to pull her all the way onto my cock or anything.  I mean, yeah, I kind of want to do that, too, but she's doing her own thing right now, and I'm certainly not complaining.

Her hands reach behind me and grab the back of my thighs.  This is when I know it's serious, because her left hand means business.  Her right is holding my leg regularly, but the left is loose, and it doesn't take me long to realize it's because she's squeezing her thumb and it's just the back of her fingers pressed against my thigh.

Oh, fuck.  I don't even...

Seriously, for real, she means business.  I look down at her and she's looking up at me.  I almost lose it right there.  Her eyes are wide, watching me, looking determined and innocent as fuck except for the fact that she's got my cock wrapped between her lips.  Before I can think or do anything, she's going all the way, though.

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