Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) (4 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season)
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That left thumb trick, no gag reflex, and... yeah...

I grunt out in pleasure as my cock slides into the back of her throat.  I can feel her tongue all the way on the underside of my shaft, then more, almost to my balls.  She's basically got my entire cock in her mouth, but not quite.  I help her a little, because I'm a nice guy like that.  My fingers wrap into her hair and I pull slightly, getting her the rest of the way.

Don't get me wrong, Ashley is beautiful as fuck.  I love her no matter what.  She's just extra fucking beautiful when she's got my entire cock in her mouth, the head pressing against the back of her throat, her eyes staring up at me, wide and innocent, Little Miss Perfect Good Girl over here, deepthroating my shaft.

Her eyes start to tear up a little and she squeezes the back of my thigh with her right hand.  I let her go and she eases back.  I think she's going to take a breather, but she surprises me by going back down again.  Not all the way this time, but fast and quick.

She's really fucking good at this.  Maybe she's a little too good.  I seriously just want to ignore everything and explode in her mouth right now, but what kind of boyfriend would I be then?  Even a bad boy has morals.  I don't think Ashley knows what kind of monster she's awoken here, but she's about to find out.

*** Ashley

I did it!  Yes!

I know this is sort of a stupid thing to get excited about, but I feel really accomplished right now.  Also, I really like the way Ethan looks at me when I do this.  I like when I take his cock in my mouth and I look up and see him looking down at me.  He always has this sort of glazed, glossed over look in his eyes.  I can see every muscle on his torso, his abs and his pecs, even his shoulders a little bit, and they tense up, flex, and ripple every time I bob up and down, taking him in my mouth, wrapping my lips around his cock.

I like how he squirms a little when I move my tongue, sliding it around his shaft.  It's really really sexy, and I like that it's me that makes him move like that.  It's exciting to have control over his body this way, even if it's a weird sort of control and a weird sort of excitement.

The best is the sound he makes, and how his muscles get even tighter, flexing as hard as he can, when I take him all the way in.  It's not something I can do all the time, and I can probably only do it because of the thumb squeeze trick he showed me and the position we're in right now, but it's a lot of fun.  I think Ethan would agree, too.

He practically thrashes as I go all the way down, taking all of him in my mouth.  Almost all of him, at least, but he helps me the rest of the way.  It makes me smile a little, but it's sort of hard to smile with his cock as far into me as it can possibly go.  I feel the slightly sweet, slick trickle of his precum touching against the back of my throat when I have him all the way inside me.

I did it!  Yes!

He lets me go when I can't hold him in anymore, and I ease back, but take him into my mouth again just as quick.  I guess this surprises him, because his hips buck to meet my lips and he lets out a groan of pleasure.  His cock twitches hard and throbs in my mouth.

Oh, is he close?
  Hm... I kind of want him to cum right now.  I kind of want to have sex, too, but I kind of like the idea that he's so excited that he can't help himself.

Ethan is certainly excited, but apparently he still plans on helping himself... to me.

He pulls me up quick before I can protest and spins me around.  He grabs my hands and lifts them above my head, pressing my palms against the tiled shower stall walls, then he jerks his hips forward, trying to thrust inside of me.  His cock slides between my thighs, not quite penetrating me.  He pulls back and pushes forward again.  This would be easier if he used his hands, but he seems too far gone to be rational right now.

I like it.  Oh my God I love it.  I like the feeling of him sliding between my thighs, rutting against me, trying to fill me, but then every time he misses he tries even harder the next time.  I can feel his pubic bone and his hips sliding against the curves of my ass while his thighs smack against the back of my legs.

I fidget and squirm, angling downward, arching my back, just so, and the next time he thrusts he fills me perfectly and completely.  His cock slides past my lower lips and in a fraction of a second he's all the way in.  He grinds hard against my body, his sexual fury temporarily sated.  I don't think he's going to be satisfied with this for long, though...

We fuck and I love it.  He lets go of my hands, but I keep them raised above my head, pressing them tight against the shower wall.  I use my hands for balance, bracing myself for each and every one of Ethan's strong, powerful thrusts.  He grabs my hips and pulls me back against him with each heavy pound, rattling and shaking directly into my core.  The slick water around us and the slickness of my arousal makes it easy for him to take me and to slide his entire length deep inside of me.

Ethan squeezes my hip hard, his fingers pressing roughly into my soft skin, almost painful, but exciting, too.  His other hand slips around to the front of my body, pressing against the bottom of my stomach, but then a little lower.  His fingers tease and tempt me, rubbing at my clit.  He pulls me back onto him while he thrusts hard inside of me from behind and strokes my clit in the front.

I move with him.  When he pulls me back, I press my hips back, too.  When he pulls out of me, I move forward a little, ready and waiting for his next insistent thrust.  My palms press hard against the wall of the shower, but the hot water and steam makes it too slick to really hold onto.  My hands keep sliding down even though I try to keep them up.  Eventually I settle with keeping them closer to shoulder level near my face, by my cheeks.

Steady, dominant, Ethan leans down and bites lightly onto my neck.  I tilt my head back, gasping out a moan.  Oh... yesss... I want this.  I really really want this.  I wanted it this morning, but we were so rudely interrupted, and I can't exactly blame his dad since we shouldn't have been doing
we were doing
we were doing it, but it doesn't change the fact that I think we both really need this right now.

I hear something soft and distant, but I can't tell exactly what it is.  It sounds kind of close, but similar to everything else around us.

"Someone else is in the other shower," Ethan says, whispering into my ear.  "You better fucking cum for me soon, Princess.  We don't have all day."

Yes, well...

"Soon," I whisper to him.  "Please, just..."

Ethan knows.  He knows a lot, and this is his area of expertise.  He shifts his body, angling his thrusts so that they press slightly different inside of me.  A slight difference can make all the difference in the world, though.  I nearly pass out from the sudden change, the sensation making my entire body reel.  As if that isn't enough, Ethan strokes closer and closer to the center of my clit, the tip of his finger light and rough, heavy and soft.

It's us.  It's everything we are.  Good girl and bad boy, soft and sweet, and rough around the edges.  They say opposites attract, and if that's the case, um... we're completely magnetic.  Whenever Ethan and I give in to our attraction, we become undone, gone, entirely wrapped up in one another like magnets stuck together.  I can't get away from him, and even if I could, I wouldn't want to.

My orgasm surges inside of me.  My body tenses and I nearly fall to the ground from the force of it.  Ethan holds me up, but my hands slide down.  He pulls me back, his hand on my hip moving up towards my breasts, squeezing my nipple, while his other hand continues to tease and toy with my clit.  I'm standing there now, unable to control myself, my entire body trembling in slick, warm ecstasy.

Ethan thrusts hard into me one final time, then gives in to his own release, too.  His warm, sticky seed fills me, splashing hard inside of me.  I feel his cock squeeze and jerk and throb, and I tense and clutch around him as my orgasm takes control of me.

This is all well and good and nice, and honestly I kind of just want to stay like this forever, basking in the warm afterglow of our erotic shower encounter, but then someone calls out to us.

I guess they don't call out to
exactly, but he calls out to Ethan.

"You sure are taking your time in the shower, aren't you?" Ethan's dad says, teasing.

He's in the shower stall opposite us.  That's why the other shower is on.  It's Ethan's dad.  Oh my God, can he hear us?  Did he hear us?  What does he think?  That Ethan just found some random girl on his way to the shower and brought her in here to have sex with her?

  No, calm down, Ashley.  I breathe, trying to relax, trying not to burst into anxious hyperventilating.

Ethan presses hard into me once more, his cock twitching and jerking.  I think this is more of an angry, annoyed sort of thrust than a sexual one, but it still stirs something deep inside me.  It's weird, what with the nervous butterflies crashing around my stomach and the afterglow of my orgasm, plus Ethan's cock still in me, but, um... it's not exactly unpleasurable, but just awkward?

How could it
be awkward?  Ethan's dad is in the shower right next to us!

"What the fuck," Ethan says to me, muttering under his breath.  Louder, to his dad, he says, "Can't blame me for enjoying a nice morning shower, can you?"

I freeze, unsure what to do.  Not deterred, Ethan pulls out of me a little, then presses back in.  He just came, but he still seems more than excited enough to continue.  I bite my bottom lip, entirely unsure how I feel about this.

I kind of want to continue, too.  I mean, we both just had wonderful orgasms, but do you know what's better than a wonderful orgasm?  Two wonderful orgasms, of course.  It makes sense.  It's simple math, and I get pretty good grades in math, so I'm positive this is how it works.  I think my math teachers would agree, though I don't think I could ever pose this question to them.

The thought of it makes me giggle a little, nervous and excited.

Ethan claps his hand over my mouth and bites onto the back of my neck in warning.  I don't know if he realizes this, but it's incredibly erotic.

Ethan's dad is still talking.  I couldn't hear what he was saying before, because my thoughts were focused on Ethan's cock inside of me, but um... I really should pay attention here.

"I had a talk with your stepmother," Ethan's dad says, casual, like this is the most normal thing in the world.  I don't know if that's true, but I guess maybe?  Ethan must shower with the other football players at school after games or whatever, so maybe it's just a man thing?  Men like to talk to each other while they take showers, I guess?

I've never showered with other women.  Honestly, that seems a little weird.  If I'm being extra honest, the idea of Ethan showering with a bunch of other muscular men in close proximity is kind of sexy, though.  Um... did I really just think that?

This isn't me talking.  It's my libido.  I blame Ethan.  Mostly I blame Ethan's cock, because he's still inside of me and he's just sending my thoughts into very bad places.  Or very good places, depending on how you look at it.  This is all his fault.

"I think we got this camping trip off to a bad start," Ethan's dad continues.  "I thought maybe you were being overprotective of Ashley with the whole Caleb thing, but I did say this was supposed to be a family trip."

"Yeah, exactly," Ethan says, clenching his teeth.  Every time he gets angry, he pulls out of me and thrusts back in.

"I'm not saying that has to change, but maybe you should talk to Ashley and see what she wants to do?" Ethan's dad says.  "We can still do family things together, but if she wants to go off with him sometimes, that would be fine, right?  Honestly, maybe the three of you can hang out together, too.  I was thinking about it, and—"

Ethan squeezes my breast hard, practically mashing it in his hand.  I let out a slight whimper, and he eases up.  His lips kiss the side of my neck and he whispers to me.  "Sorry, Princess.  I'm a little worked up at the moment."

"This camping trip is about coming closer as a family, right?" Ethan's dad says.

To me, Ethan mutters, "You think we can get any closer than this, Princess?"

I almost laugh out loud, but stop myself at the last second.  Ethan helps by holding his hand over my mouth, too.  I lick and kiss his palm, and he grins against my neck, kissing me.

"I sort of get what you're saying, Dad," Ethan says.  "I just don't know exactly what you're trying to say here."

"Sometimes we need to keep our distance every so often in order to get closer.  If we force ourselves to be close, it can damage our relationships.  We need to
to do it.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe this would all work better if we did some things as a family during the day, or later at night, or different times on different days, and then the rest of the time we do our own things.  Togetherness, but then separation, too."

"Alright, hold up," Ethan says.  "You're saying that it's a family trip, but I should let Ashley go off with that fuck and just let him do whatever the fuck he wants with her?"

Without even missing a beat, he pushes hard into me, then pulls out, continuing a rhythm like that.  To make matters worse, his fingers go back to teasing and tormenting my clit.  Oh no... this isn't good.  This really isn't going to end well.

"You don't have to let her do anything, Ethan.  She can decide what she wants to do on her own.  And if that's what she wants to do, then so be it.  I don't think it's that hard to understand."

"Yeah, I get that," Ethan says, thrusting into me again.  I really don't know why he's doing this; and by this, I mean trying to make me orgasm again.  I'm pretty sure he's going to succeed, and honestly this is incredibly awkward for me.

"I get it," Ethan continues.  "What I don't get is why you're so fucking accepting of that, but what if I want to hang out with her?  For real, I'm just being straightforward right now, Dad.  You keep talking about Ashley and Caleb but she doesn't even know the guy and she knows me.  I thought it would be nice to get to know her better."

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