Read Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) Online
Authors: Mia Clark
"Uh... what?" his dad says, confused. "I thought you'd like the idea of being able to go off on your own. Figured you could go find a girl to romance for a week or two. It's not like I'm saying that Ashley's the only one who should be able to have fun. I'm not even saying it has to get hot and heavy, Ethan. This is a weird conversation for me to be having, to be honest."
It's weird for him? I kind of wonder how much weirder he would find it if he realized what Ethan and I were doing, um... ten steps away or so?
"I want to spend time with her," Ethan says, firm. "I don't know if you forgot already or what, but I'm kind of dating a girl now, too. I'm not going to randomly go romance someone else. I'm trying to be serious here."
"That's... that's good," my stepdad says. "I didn't mean anything by it, but I wasn't sure if you were just saying those things before because we were around Ashley and her mother."
"I wasn't," Ethan says. "I'm being serious about wanting to hang out with Ashley, too. I guess I never really bothered before, because I thought she was too good to hang out with me, but I like her and I think spending time with her will help me be a better boyfriend, you know?"
Um... I suppose that's not entirely untrue, right? It makes me smile. Except then I stop smiling, because I'm about to climax. I really don't know what to do right now, but I can't exactly do much, now can I? I'm sort of trapped here! Trapped between a cock and a hard place, I suppose.
I almost laugh at my own joke, but then, um... oh fuck. Ethan hits all the right places, and my body refuses to stop. I clench and squeeze against him, a second orgasm overcoming me. It's smaller than the first, but even more insistent and demanding than before, too. It won't stop, refuses to be stopped, and probably doesn't even know the meaning of stop. This is the bad boy type of orgasm that my mother never warned me about.
Honestly though, I don't think anyone should warn someone away from orgasms like this. They're kind of amazing.
Ethan and his dad keep talking while my body betrays me. I feel Ethan's body betraying him, too. He fills me a second time, almost as if the first time was just a trial run. This is the real deal, I guess. Also super awkward, but oh well. Sometimes life is awkward, isn't it? This is like that, but magnified, extra awkward.
The shower stops, and I belatedly realized we aren't even clean. I'm pretty sure we're the opposite of clean, actually. Without saying anything, Ethan slips out of me and steps to the side, grabbing his roll of quarters and taking four more. He puts them into the shower timer and turns the knob, bringing back the water.
"Just please don't be a dick, alright?" Ethan says to his dad.
I stare at him, gaping, trying not to smile. I almost laugh, but Ethan gives me a look that says I better not even think about it. It's a silly, playful look, too, though.
"Takes one to know one," his dad says, laughing. "I get it, though. I guess I never thought about it, but, yeah, maybe it'd be nice if you and Ashley spent a little more time together. I just figured you weren't on good terms. You two fight a lot when we're home."
"I'm just teasing her," Ethan says. "I think she knows that."
"Maybe," his dad says. "She's not like you, Ethan. Your personality can be a little hard to handle sometimes."
"Yeah yeah," Ethan says, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. I'll ease up, alright? I'll be gentle with Little Miss Perfect."
"I like when you're rough, though," I whisper to him. I hope I sound sexy. Is it weird if I ask Ethan if that sounded sexy?
Ethan gives me a look. It's a dangerous sort of look that seems to say that if we didn't just have sex twice, he'd pin me against the wall and do it again. Instead, he snatches up his shampoo and starts washing my hair.
Really, Ethan?
He's so weird. I don't understand him at all.
I do kind of like having my hair washed, though. Ooh... yes, that feels wonderful. His fingers massage my scalp and I practically melt in his hands. I think I just had another orgasm, but not a sexual kind. Erotic hair washing orgasm? Is that a real thing or what? I think it must be, because I'm experiencing it right now.
"Well, let's talk to her today," my stepdad says. "We can ask Ashley what she thinks, just be out and open about it. Later, though. I'm not sure where she went, but she and her mom are going to go grocery shopping for us and you and I are going to head to the bait shop. Some mother-daughter and father-son bonding time. What do you say?"
I have an idea. I don't know if this is a good idea. My stepfather wants to know what I think? Um... I'm right here. I can answer him right now. I shift my eyes back and forth, sneaky, and then I open my mouth wide to loudly tell him my answer.
I'm about to. I was really just going to do it, to tell him that I really want to spend more time with Ethan and also we're dating and I love him. I guess it's not exactly the best time or place, but there's no time like the present, right? Um... sort of...
Ethan stops me, though. He claps his hand over my mouth and gives me a dirty look. "Don't you even dare, Princess. I know what you're thinking. Cut that shit out."
I give him a dirty look back and speak with my eyes. I don't know what I'm saying with my eyes, but they're definitely saying something and it's supposed to be a little angry.
Ethan glares at me, then he lets go of my mouth, except then he bites my bottom lip and kisses me hard. Oh my God. Why does he do this to me? He doesn't even play fair. This is the opposite of fair, and I don't like it.
I do kind of like it, actually, but it's still not fair, it's cheating.
"You almost all set in there?" Ethan's dad asks. His shower is off now and we can hear the rustling sounds of him drying off and getting dressed.
Ethan finishes washing my hair and guides me over to the shower to rinse off, then starts washing his own hair.
"Yeah, almost," Ethan says. "I'll meet you back at the campsite, alright?"
"Sounds good," my stepdad says. "See you soon."
*** Ethan
I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. If I'm being real fucking honest, I don't know if I ever knew, but at least my life sort of made sense. Wake up, go to class, or not, get some food like lunch or breakfast or holy fuck maybe brunch, and go to some other classes, do homework or something, practice for football, lift weights, and maybe find a girl to romance for a week or two every so often. Not that difficult, right? Pretty easy, actually.
Now, though, it's like... I don't know, what do I do? I can't just wake up anymore. Waking up is the easiest thing in the world, but every time I do it I have to think of how I'm supposed to handle my relationship with Ashley. What if my dad comes upstairs before I'm awake and realizes Ashley isn't in her room and then he comes to my room and she's completely naked in bed with me? How do you even explain that? Fuck if I know.
We're camping now, so I guess we don't even have to try and explain that, but instead we deal with my dad interrupting us in the middle of sexy situations, and also I can't even take a shower without something happening.
It's not like my dad knows. If I had to guess, he doesn't suspect anything. My dad is a smart guy, but he's not exactly suspicious of much. He focuses on what needs to be done, and I think in his mind he's done with focusing on me. What's there to even focus on? I'm an adult, and I can handle myself, or something like that.
No clue why he keeps harassing me about dating seriously, then, but whatever. Maybe there's something more to that and he doesn't feel comfortable telling me. Yeah, well, guess what, Dad? I don't feel comfortable telling you I'm dating and fucking my stepsister, either, so I'd say we're even.
Once I finish showering, I dry off and get dressed. I give Ashley a quick kiss, except this turns into a not so quick kiss, and then we're just making out in the shower stall. I'll need to remember this for later. If all else fails, we can get some temporary privacy in the shower stall. Sort of, maybe, except there's bound to be other people showering and it's not like we can spend every waking moment in here, even though I kind of wouldn't mind if the opportunity arose.
I'd rather come up with some alternatives, but sometimes you have to take whatever opportunity is presented to you. Comes with the territory of being a bad boy, I guess. Makes life a little more exciting most of the time, too.
We separate, because this has to end. I can't just stay in here making out with her because sooner or later I'm going to want to stay in here and have sex with her, too. Again. We've already done that, but I want to do it again. A lot.
"Hey, calm yourself," I say, stepping back when she grabs for my cock through my pants. "We've got to stop."
She pouts and looks cute as fuck and makes this little whimper whine sound, and I literally almost rip her shorts down her legs and bend her over right then and there. I stop, though. This is like bad boy zen monk shit right here. I am at peace with my inner self, at least for a couple seconds. I better be gone from here before my zen runs out or I'm fucked. Or I guess Ashley would be fucked, but let's just not even start with the double entendres.
"Can I see you later?" she asks.
I laugh. "Where do you think I'm going to go, Princess? Of course you'll see me later."
"Um... I meant... can I
you later," she says, staring pointedly down and between my legs.
"We'll figure something out," I tell her. "I don't know what."
"Did you mean what you said to your dad?" she asks, surprising me.
"About wanting to spend time with me," she says. "Did you mean that? Not just sex."
"What kind of question is that?" I ask her. "Yeah, of course I meant it. Sort of comes with the territory, doesn't it? We're dating, so it makes sense that we should kind of hang out and not just have sex all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love that, too, but, uh..."
"I know," she says. "I just... you shouldn't feel obligated, alright?"
"Obligated to do what? I think I'm pretty fucking obligated here."
She smiles at me and kisses me quick on the cheek. "I meant that I like that you want to spend time with me doing fun things, too," she says. "I know that shouldn't really be a surprise, but it just makes me happy."
"Yeah, well..."
Fuck. How do I explain this? I don't know. I'm not even sure I should try, because I'm pretty sure I'll say something dumb. Dating is hard, alright? Maybe you think it's hard to actually get someone to start dating you, but I think that's the easy part. It doesn't matter if you fuck it up, because you can just move on to the next girl. When you're actually dating, though, it's like... shit, I can't fuck this up. I can't say something stupid, because it's not as easy as just moving on to the next girl.
I don't want to move on to the next girl. I want to stay right here with this one.
"I know neither of us has really done this before," I say to her. "I get that maybe in the past you didn't really have the opportunity to meet guys that weren't complete dicks, and I also get that in the past maybe I seemed like a complete dick, but this is me now, and it's you here, and I love spending time with you, Princess. I like how you're cuddly as fuck, and also sexy as fuck, and cute as fuck, intelligent as fuck, and..."
"I like how you're considerate as fuck," she says, grinning. "Also, I like how you're handsome and sexy and nice, and you're patient and kind, and careful... as fuck."
"Whoa, you're stealing my swag here," I tell her, grinning. "What's with the swearing, too? I thought you were Little Miss Perfect, the one true good girl."
"Oh yeah?" she says, challenging me with her eyes. Fuck, she's beautiful. "Well, I'm pretty sure that bad boys don't like to cuddle, Ethan. I'm pretty sure!"
"The fuck they don't!" I say.
Also, because I really need to stop this, because the urge to have my cock deep inside her is rising with every passing second, I take a step back, then another, and finally I unlock and open the shower stall door. I don't know if I want to fuck her or have sex with her or make love with her, or some combination of the three, but I want to do things to this girl that I seriously don't have time for at the moment.
"I'm going now," I tell her. "Stay in here for a couple of minutes just in case, then head back. I think my dad and I will be—"
She interrupts me with a kiss. Running up to me, she puts her hands on my hips and stands on her tiptoes, kissing me on the lips. Blushing, she sneaks back into the shower stall and stands there, shy. Fuck, she's going to kill me with sexy cuteness. I'm pretty sure I'm done for. The death of a bad boy right here. Woe is me. This is some serious Shakespearian tragedy shit or something.
"Can you take my clothes back?" she asks, holding them out.
"You're stalling," I tell her. "Stalling in the shower stall. I guess this is the best place for it, huh?"
She rolls her eyes at me, then scampers over and stuffs her old clothes in my bag. I totally forget my stuff, was going to just leave it hanging there. She distracts me too much. I can't concentrate on anything but her when she's around.
She brings me my bag and I take it, then I'm gone. I step away before I change my mind and before I do something dumb. She closes the door behind me and hides out while I head back to our campsite.
As I'm passing by the main office, I spot the owner's son out of the corner of my eye. He looks over at me, but when he sees me looking back at him, he turns away.
Yeah, good. Keep your distance, bro. Caleb or whatever the fuck your name is. Yeah, alright, I do actually know his name, but I just don't want to admit it or accept it. He's not important to me. I don't want him to be important to me, and I especially don't want him to be important to Ashley, either.
I just want this trip to go smoothly. As smoothly as it can go, at least. I guess it's already off to a rocky start what with my dad and him not knowing and all of the rest of this shit, but for real, Caleb isn't helping. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but if he so much as looks at Ashley with lust in his eyes, I'll kick his ass.