Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) (9 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season)
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"Wait, he was stalking you outside the shower, too?"

"Ethan," I say, exasperated.  "The front office is right by the showers and the bathrooms, so it makes sense that he would be there."

"Yeah, I guess," Ethan says, scrunching up his brow.  "I saw him there, too, so maybe he's not stalking you."

"I think you're stalking me," I say, lifting my chin up and sticking my tongue out at him.  "What do you say to that?"

Ethan rolls his eyes at me, then he kisses me quick.  I gasp and look around, but no one's nearby and I don't think anyone can see us here either way.  This is a pretty good hiding spot, actually.

"Listen," Ethan says.  "He doesn't seem like such a bad guy, but I don't like the way he looks at you."

"It's not like you can stop him from looking," I say, shrugging a little.

"You want him to look?" Ethan asks, confused.

I sigh.  "No.  I'm just saying that he knows I have a boyfriend now, so whether he looks or not, it doesn't matter.  I told him he can't flirt with me or kiss me."

"Wait, hold up.  Did he try to kiss you or flirt with you?  What the fuck?"

"No!"  I laugh.  Ethan looks so concerned and serious.  "Ethan, the only thing that happened is my mom teased him a lot and he helped us buy groceries.  He might come over later  and have s'mores with us, too."

"Fuck," Ethan says, muttering.  "I don't like that."

"It's just s'mores," I say, trying to sound casual.  I mean, it's mostly casual, but it's a little hard to sound casual when I'm pinned against a tree with Ethan pressed hard against me.  I kind of want to do less than casual things at the moment.

"Wait a second, you told him you had a boyfriend?  Did you tell him about us?"

"Oh.  No.  I just, um... I told him it was a secret, and that I had a secret boyfriend.  My mom went along with it.  Now you don't have to worry, right?  I told him he can't tell your dad, too.  You won't have to worry about him trying to flirt with me or anything now."

"I guess," Ethan says, shrugging.

"You guess?" I ask.  "Why'd you want me to say I had to go to the bathroom, anyways?"

"Oh, you want to know, do you?" he asks with a sneaky bad boy grin.

"I don't know, do I?" I counter.

Ethan answers, but he doesn't play fair.  He wraps my hair around his fingers, pulling slightly, then he kisses me hard.  I gasp from the sudden surprise, but then I move into his kiss.  I try to move into it at least, but Ethan
doesn't play fair.  Whenever I try to kiss him harder, he squeezes slightly and pulls me back with his hand in my hair.  His other hand is... um... also not playing fair.

"We're out in the open!" I hiss at him, squirming and trying to get away.

I can't go anywhere, though.  Um... I'm kind of pinned to a tree here?  Send for help?

Ooohhh, nope!  Nevermind, I don't need help!  I'm good!  I'm fine.  Mmmhmmm, really really good and fine and wonderful...

Ethan unbuttons my shorts with one hand and shoves his hand down the front.  He slips past my panties and cups at my sex while kissing me hard and grabbing my hair.  Oh my God, I seriously can't believe he's doing this.

I also can't believe I'm letting him.  I'm supposed to be the good girl here, aren't I?  Except I don't have a choice!  That's what I'm telling myself, at least.  He's kidnapped me and is ravaging me in the middle of the woods against my will.

I'm pretty sure if I did have a choice I would choose this, though.  It'd be an easy choice to make, don't you think?

Ethan moves his hand to the back of my shorts and grabs my ass hard, pulling me closer to him.  I can feel his growing erection grinding against the core of my body.  Inadvertently, I grind against him, too, but then I remember myself and I squirm and try to get away.

"Oh, you want to play hard to get?" Ethan asks.

"I just don't think this is a very good place to do this!" I say, laughing.  "What if someone sees us?"

"Who do you think is going to see us?" he asks.  "We're in the middle of the woods."

"Um, the main path is literally right over there?" I say, kind of pointing with my eyes.  To be honest, I can't see it, because it's behind me and there's a tree in the way, but it's still there.  The path is definitely there and someone might be walking down it right now.

"Oh, shit, you're right!" Ethan says, wide-eyed.  "Holy fuck, hey, Dad, uh... what's up?"

Oh my God, it's Ethan's dad.  My stepfather.  My shorts are undone.  They are unbuttoned and this close to falling down my... well, there they go.  My shorts are around my ankles and I'm standing pinned to a tree with Ethan grinding his half-erect cock against me.

And he still has his hand on my ass!  Seriously.

I squirm and try to get away but Ethan just holds me tighter and starts to laugh.

"I don't know—" I struggle against him.  "—why you're—"  More struggling.  "—laughing!"

"It's just a joke, Princess," he says.  "Lighten up.  No one's there.  No one can see us.  We're fine.  I kind of just want to have a little fun with you, if you don't mind?"

"Do I have a choice in the matter?" I ask him, trying to sound indignant.  I don't think it's working very well, because I keep grinding my hips closer to him, and also I try to kiss him.

"Yeah, you've got a choice," he says.  "Option A is I fingerfuck you to orgasm right here, or Option B is we go a little further into the woods and see what kind of mischief we can get into."

"Mischief?" I ask.  "And what does that entail?"

"Basically involves me pulling aside your panties, pushing you against a tree, and fucking you hard from behind," he says.

I can't even believe he just said that.

"What about Option C?" I ask.  "All of the above?"

I can't even believe I just said that.

Ethan seems impressed.  "I'm open to the idea," he says.  "Kind of excited about starting with Option A, though."

I've given my answer, sort of, and Ethan already has his reply in mind, so...

He squeezes my ass hard and then slips his fingers between my legs from behind, teasing at the bottom of my pussy.  I fidget and moan, but he kisses me, keeping me quiet.  Without warning, he moves his hand to the front and then plunges a finger hard into me.  Oh my God.  I didn't even know I was this excited, but... nope, I'm this excited.

He pulls his finger out of me and then brings his hand up.  "You're so fucking wet for me, Princess.  I love it," he says.

He licks his finger, tasting my arousal, then he gives me a taste, too.  Without thinking, I let him stick his finger in my mouth and I suck and tease at it, trying to make it look like I'm sucking on something else entirely.

"I want you—" I say, but before I can finish, he slides his hand between my legs again, playing with the slick folds of my sex.  "—inside me!"

"Just calm the fuck down, Princess," Ethan says, grinning.  "I want to take my fucking time here and savor this.  I didn't get to spend nearly as much time as I wanted with you this morning.  Honestly I'm kind of pissed about that, but I think we can make up for it."

"Ohhh, yes, I hope so," I say, gasping as he slides his finger into me again.

I'm not sure what happened after that, but it's nothing good.  It's probably the opposite of good, and really really bad, but not in a good way like Ethan's bad boy ways.  This is just entirely bad.

"...Ashley?" someone says.  I recognize the voice, but it takes me a second to realize who it is.  "Is that... oh shit, wow."

It's Caleb.  What's Caleb doing here?  Oh no.  Oh my God.  What is going on?

Ethan seems to realize this is really bad, too.  I know he likes being a bad boy and doing bad things, but this isn't really the same.  He pulls his finger out of me and removes his hand from my panties, then in one swift motion he bends down and pulls my shorts up my legs.  I scramble with the buttons and try to act like nothing's going on.

It's kind of hard, because Caleb is literally standing a few steps away, and he just saw everything.

"That's...  your brother.  Oh my God, you were doing...
.  What's going on?  Uh..."

"Nothing," Ethan says, glaring at him.  "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I'd kind of like to know the same thing!  I feel bad.  I don't know why I feel bad, except that I didn't want Caleb to see that.  I really didn't want anyone to see that, though.  I wish I could just blame Ethan, or myself, or the both of us, and be done with it, but I'm really embarrassed right now.

I blush and mumble and try to think of something to say, but the only thing I can think of is that Caleb just saw Ethan fingering me.  It's not like he saw much, because my panties were still on, but it's not like he can't connect the dots and realize what was happening.  It's pretty easy to tell what Ethan was doing to me.

"You forgot your strawberries at the store," Caleb mumbles.  "I was just... I was just bringing them to you and then I heard something so I came to see what it was, and... Ashley, that's your brother, isn't it?  I don't understand?"

"You say a word of this to anyone and you're dead," Ethan says to him.  "Got it?  That's all you have to understand, kid."

I understand why Ethan is upset, but I think maybe he needs to think about how he sounds, too.  I don't realize this until after the fact, but, um...

"No!" Caleb says.  He's loud and defiant, standing tall.  "I won't let you hurt her.  Ashley, was he hurting you?"

Um... no?  Not exactly... in fact it was probably the opposite of
.  I really really liked it.

It's sort of hard to say that, or explain it, though.  This is complicated.  What do I do?

Caleb is loud enough that we're sort of causing a commotion here.  A few other campers that were walking down the main road notice us.  I spot them talking amongst each other out of the corner of my eye.  We're making a pretty big scene now, and it's going to get bigger if we don't do something.

Caleb tries to grab my hand and pull me away.  "Come with me.  I'll—"

I guess we make an even bigger scene when Ethan pushes Caleb to the ground.

To be fair, I think Ethan wanted to punch him.  I don't know this for sure, but I'm really thankful he didn't, because Caleb isn't a fighter.  I don't think Caleb has even been in one fight his entire life.  Ethan pushes him, and Caleb falls, and that's about it, except there's people watching us and I don't think this is good.

Caleb had the bucket of strawberries in his hand, but they crash to the ground, scattering everywhere.  He stares up at me, wide-eyed.

"Ashley..." he says.

"Caleb, it's fine," I tell him.  "I... I promise, alright?  It's fine?  I'll try to explain it to you later, because it's kind of a funny story..."  I try to laugh, but it's a little hard right now.  "Ethan wasn't hurting me.  I wanted to be here.  We just got, um..."

I don't know.  I can't explain this now.  I don't know how to explain it to Caleb, and I especially don't know how to explain it to him with an audience.  A few more people have joined the other campers, and I hear someone mentioning they should send for the campground owner.  Oh, yes, that's exactly what we need right now.  If Caleb's father comes, I'm pretty sure we're all in even more trouble.

"Ethan, come on," I say, tugging at his hand.

He clenches his jaw and doesn't say anything, but he comes with me when I pull him away from the tree.  It's the tree I was leaning against while he fingered me just a few moments ago.

Yup, so... this is really awkward...

Ethan and I start to walk off, but before we get very far Caleb calls after us.

"Ashley.  Ethan, too.  You both better tell me what's going on.  I'll come by your campsite later.  If you don't come with me and explain this to me, I'm going to tell your parents what I saw."

I try to... to say something.  I mumble.  The crowd watching us is leaving, and I don't think they saw much of anything except Ethan and Caleb fighting.  That's not so bad.  Caleb is the one who saw the worst of it, which... yup, that's pretty bad.

"I swear to God, if that fuck tries to blackmail you into some bullshit, I'll kick his fucking ass," Ethan mutters under his breath.  "I told you I didn't like him, and it's pretty fucking obvious why now."

"One hour!" Caleb calls out.  "I'll come in an hour, alright?"

It just doesn't sound mean, though.  I don't know how to explain that, but I don't think Caleb is mean.  I don't think he's going to blackmail me.  Maybe I'm not a good judge of character, though.  Maybe Ethan is right.  I thought Jake was nice before, too, and look how that turned out?

Oh my God, what if Caleb tries to do the same thing?

I can't think about that.  I don't want to think about that.  I hurry with Ethan, hand in hand.  We don't go back to our campsite yet, though.  We head to the bathroom instead.  I think we both need to calm down and cool off a little, and that's the only place we can be alone, at least for now.

An hour?  That's it?  What am I supposed to do or say?

We can't even do or say anything.  It's not like Ethan and I can somehow explain to our parents that we have to leave immediately, that the camping trip we literally just started yesterday, that was supposed to last for at least a week or maybe two, has to come to an abrupt end.

I don't know what to do.  What if Caleb does try to blackmail us?

It's embarrassing, but my mom would understand what happened, at least a little bit.  She might sigh and shake her head, but she wouldn't get too upset.  She might even laugh about it.

Ethan's dad, though... I really don't think my stepfather would understand, and I doubt this is the way we should tell him.

When we get to the bathroom, Ethan lets out a deep sigh.  "Fuck," he says.  "Let's just run away together.  How's Antarctica sound?"

"Cold," I say.  "With lots of penguins."

Despite the severity of our situation, Ethan laughs.  I laugh, too.  He puts his arm around me and hugs me tight.

"I'll just tell him, alright?" he says.  "My dad, I mean.  I'll tell him if Caleb tries to do something to hurt you.  It's probably a really fucking bad time for it and I don't know how he'll take it, but it's better than the alternatives."

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