Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season) (6 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 10 (Second Season)
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*** Ashley

I wait in the shower stall for a few minutes.  It's really very large, all things considered.  Since I have nothing else to do, I walk from one end to the other.  It's about five or six regular steps wide.  You could probably easily shower with four people in here, though I don't know why anyone would want to do that.  I definitely liked the two person shower that Ethan and I just shared, though.

I sit on the bench opposite the showerhead wall and wait.  I don't have a watch or my phone, because we left everything back home, so I don't know exactly how much time has passed, but I think it's better to wait a little longer to be safe.  Just in case, right?  In case of what, though?

I guess in case Ethan's father comes back.  I don't know why he would, but if he saw me in the shower and he knew Ethan was in here, and I'm obviously done showering, um...

There's no hair dryer in here, so my hair is wet.  Ethan's hair was practically dried when he left, since it's so short, but I'm not nearly as lucky as that.  I tried to dry it off as best I could with his towel, because I forgot my own, but it's still pretty obvious that I've showered.

What if his dad found out, though?  I tried to tell him, or at least I thought about telling him when he was talking to Ethan from the shower earlier, but Ethan stopped me.  I know it's something he wants to tell his dad on his own, and I understand that, but I want him to know that he doesn't have to do this all on his own, either.  A relationship is two people, isn't it?  We can do it together and I can help him if that's easier.

I don't know if it's easier, but I want Ethan to know it's an option available to him.

The drip drip drip of the showerhead distracts me and I fall into daydreaming, remembering things.  I remember the feeling of Ethan inside of me, and I remember the touch of his hands on my head, washing my hair.  I remember the taste of his lips when I kissed him goodbye.  I remember and I love all of it.

I think it's time to go now, or at least I should be able to step out of the shower.  I open the door and walk into the open, sunny air.  Just because I'm curious, I walk over to where Ethan's dad must have been showering.  There's the bathrooms between our stall and his, but they're still pretty close.

I can't believe Ethan did that!  Just... just kept going while he was talking to his dad.  It made me nervous, but kind of excited, too.  We could have been caught.  Maybe not.  I don't know how his dad would have caught us, but what if we didn't know he was there?  What if we said things in the heat of the moment or if Ethan smacked my butt while he thrust inside of me, or I moaned too loud, and then his dad heard and found out and realized what was going on?

Um... maybe I shouldn't think about that, because I'm pretty sure it would have been bad.

While I'm staring off and daydreaming about silly things, someone comes up beside me.

"Hey, Ashley."

"Oh my God!" I jump and crash into him.  It's Caleb.

He falls and I fall on top of him.  We land in a heap of awkwardness and arms and legs.  I think, um... oh no.

I really didn't mean to and I don't think this is very sexy, regardless, but when I fell on him my hand landed in his crotch.  Which, judging by the look on his face, is more painful than pleasant.  Except my hand is still there and, um...

I pull it away, and roll to the side, then stand up quick, nervous and confused.

"You really have a bad habit of scaring me," I tell him.

"Sorry," he says, mumbling.  "I didn't mean to."

He stands up and brushes the dirt from his pants, back to front and then the sides.  I look down without thinking.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, just a fall," he says.  "I'm fine."

"I meant, um... your..."

Oh my God, what am I doing?  Staring at his crotch, for one, which is not what I want to do.  I'm just trying to make sure he's... what?  This really doesn't sound good.  It seemed innocent enough in my head, at least at first, but when I think about it more, I'm basically asking him about his cock.  That's not something you ask someone about!  Even if that was something you could ask someone, what am I even supposed to say after that?  Oh, do you want me to kiss it better?

Um, no!

Caleb blushes, apparently realizing what I was asking him, and he shifts and fidgets, looking away.  It's kind of cute in a fun way.  It sort of reminds me of myself, I guess?

"I didn't mean it like that," I say to him.  "I'm not very good at this, I don't think."

"Good at what?" he asks, confused.

"Flirting?" I say.  "Um... I don't mean that.  I mean not flirting.  I'm not trying to flirt with you, Caleb.  That's what I meant."

"Oh," he says.  "Um, alright?"

Good.  I'm glad we got that out of the way.  That wasn't hard, was it?  Is that all there is to it or do I need to say something else so that he doesn't think I'm saying that as a sort of opposite type of thing?  Oh, no, is that what he's going to think?  That I'm telling him I'm not flirting but in reality that means I really am flirting?

Flirting is difficult.  I'm not even trying to flirt and I think I'm accidentally flirting.  This is bad.  Ugh.

"What are you up to?" he asks.

"I was just taking a shower," I say.

Wait, is that flirting, too?  Because I just gave him the perfect reason to imagine me slippery and wet in the shower.  I have to stop this.

"I just saw your brother," Caleb says.  "Looked like he was taking a shower, too."

"Yup," I say.  "We weren't taking a shower together or anything, though.  Um..."

I'm really bad at this, aren't I?  I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

"Er...?"  Caleb gives me a weird look.

"Do you have any siblings, Caleb?" I ask him.  I will fix this.  I can do it.


"Sometimes when you're growing up you end up taking showers or baths together except it's not like that, so don't get the wrong idea, and I'm not saying that Ethan and I did that, but if we did or if you saw anything then it wouldn't be what you're thinking, alright?"

In hindsight, I'm pretty sure I just screwed that up.  I thought I was supposed to be smart.  Also, I'm technically an only child disregarding my stepbrother, so I know absolutely nothing about anything I just said.

"...Alright..." Caleb says.

"It's because Ethan is good at washing hair," I add.  "That's all."

"Oh," Caleb says.  "Yeah, you've got a lot of hair."

Is that a compliment?  Is

"Thanks," I say.  "Well, I've got to go.  My mom and I are going grocery shopping."

"Cool," Caleb says.  "I'm actually heading there soon, too.  Have to pick up a few things.  Maybe I'll see you around, then."

Is he asking me on a date?  To the grocery store?  I'm going to be super honest right now and say that I don't actually know what people do for a first date, but I never considered grocery shopping as an option.  It may be one, though.  I hope not, because... because.

"Neat!" I say.  "Alright, I'm leaving now.  Bye!"

I run away.  Because.  This is awkward.  Am I awkward or is Caleb awkward?  I... I don't even know.

I head back to the campsite.  Quickly!


*** Ethan

My dad and I head out in one of the cars as soon as I get back.  There's no waiting, no mulling around, just get up and go.  Good.  I like that.  Makes everything easier.  We drive through the campground in silence, but stop at the main office to ask the owner something.

I see Caleb there again, but this time he keeps looking at me weird.  What's up with this kid?  Yeah, yeah, he's probably the same age as me, but he's not even close to my level.  He looks kind of scrawny.  Alright, I'm willing to give credit where credit is due, and he doesn't exactly look stick thin or anything, but I can tell he doesn't play sports.  He's probably in decent enough shape, but that's all the credit I'm willing to give him right now.

I really don't like him.  I don't like the way he's looking at me, either, like he's trying to size me up or something?  What the fuck?

My dad talks with the campground owner about something or other and I get out of the car, too.  Need to show my dominance, you know?  Stand tall, make this Caleb kid stay away, or at least be real fucking wary.  He should be, too.  I know how to throw down when the time calls for it.

"Hey, Ethan," Caleb finally says to me, but his voice is quiet and unsure.

"What's up?" I ask him.  Are we friends now or what?  I think I missed that memo.  Pretty sure I would have ripped it up, too.

"I'm sorry, alright?" he says.  "I don't know what your problem is with me, but I'm not trying to cause you any trouble."

"Listen, I don't have a problem with you, but I don't like the way you're staring at Ashley.  Got it?"

"I'm not!" he says.

"Yeah, sure.  Don't even try to tell me you don't think she's hot."

If he tries to say that, I'll know he's a fucking liar, because, yeah, Little Miss Perfect has some serious sex appeal.  She's a little awkward sometimes, and sort of weird, but whatever.  That's part of her charm.

Fuck, but then what if he does say she's hot?  I'd have to kick his ass, no way around that one.  I think I'd have to kick his ass if he says she's not hot, too.  That'd be like him calling her ugly, and I can't stand for that.

Except, fuck.  Double fuck.  I can't kick his ass right here?  His dad and my dad are right there, talking.  This was part of Caleb's plan, I bet.  What a fucking prick.  I want to kick his ass even more.

I don't even know why I hate the kid so much.  He just... ugh.

"It's just kind of hard to make friends during the summer here," Caleb says.  "That's all."

"Yeah?  So you thought you'd get friendly with Ashley, is that it?"  I know that game.  Don't even try to play it.

"No," he says.  "I mean, yeah, a little, but you, too."

"What the fuck?" I say.  Did he just say what I think he did?  "Are you flirting with me, kid?"

"What the fuck, are you serious?" he asks.

I laugh.  He finally grew some balls and stood up to me, and it's just kind of funny.  He glares at me, but he starts to smile a little, too.

"Ethan, let's go," my dad says.  "We've got work to do."

Yeah, well, we're leaving now.  I turn away from Caleb and get into the car, simple as that.  I'm done talking.  What else is there to say?

My dad starts to drive off.  We're good.  Yeah, this is simple.  He got directions to the bait shop and we're heading to get worms or something.  Fishing, all of that.

I spare a final glance towards the main campground office and see Caleb sort of looking my way.  Not exactly, but he sees me looking back and he does this kind of wave.  What the fuck?

I don't know.  I wave back, I guess?  Polite, that's what that is.  A polite wave.  Polite as fuck.

Seriously, Caleb is weird.  Also he better not flirt with Ashley.

*** Ashley

I sneak through some of the wooded areas instead of following the main road back to our campsite, just in case.  I don't want Ethan's dad to see me, and since they're taking the car, they'd drive out and um... maybe see me, so...

It's really not that complicated, but I kind of feel like a stealthy ninja.  Sneaky sneaky.  I'm not even very sneaky, though.  To be honest, I'm kind of clumsy and woods are weird.  There's sticks and brush and leaves everywhere and it's hard to move sometimes.  I end up half walking, half tripping my way back to the campsite.

Ethan and his dad are gone when I get back, and my mom is there waiting for me.  She gives me a suspicious look and a mischievous smile when I return.

"Did you have fun?" she asks.

"Have fun with what?" I counter.

"It seems to me that Ethan left to take a shower, and now that you're back it's obvious you were also taking a shower.  Coincidence?"


"You really should be a little more circumspect, dear," my mom says.  "It's not that difficult to figure out what you were up to.  If your stepfather hadn't left already, he'd probably realize it, too."

"I know, I just... I don't know."

"So when are we going to tell him?" she asks.

"I don't know," I say.  "Ethan wants to be the one to tell him, I guess, but also I don't know if we can even tell him, Mom.  It's complicated."

She shrugs, nonchalant.  "I'm not going to force you or pry, honey.  It's your relationship, and Ethan's relationship.  You're both welcome to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone.  I would caution that the longer you try to hide this, the more hurt feelings you're going to have to deal with later on."

"I doubt Ethan's dad is going to feel that upset," I say.  "I think he'd probably prefer not to find out, actually."

"I don't know.  You'd be surprised," my mom says.  "It's not him I'm worried about, though.  It's you and Ethan.  It isn't good to have to sneak around and hide things, especially when those things are a fresh, new relationship that you don't want to hide at all.  I worry about you both."

"It's weird, though," I tell her.  "Our relationship is weird, Mom."

"It's not that weird, honey," my mom says.

"It's pretty weird!  He's my—"  I realize I'm being a little loud.  I blush and talk quieter.  "Ethan's my stepbrother.  I don't know why you're so accepting of it, like it doesn't matter.  I really appreciate it, but it's still weird, you know?"

"Every relationship is weird, Ashley," my mom says.  "How do you think I felt when I started dating Ethan's father?  It's hard to date as a single parent, especially when both of us were parents.  It's even harder to do when you have children that are older.  Not to mention it was confusing and difficult for me at first in other ways, too."

"Why?" I ask.

She's never really talked about this before.  We talked about her dating Ethan's dad in the beginning, but to be honest I didn't think it'd go very far.  And then, um... it did go far, and they were married, and we moved in with them, so what do I know?  Not a lot, apparently.

"Ethan and his father were much better off than us as far as finances are concerned, and as much as I'd like to say that doesn't matter, it really does.  When I was alone with him, it was like nothing mattered, but when we went out together, everything changed.  When I went to his business parties, I could tell everyone disliked me.  They didn't say it to my face, but they whispered about it.  Who was I and why was he with me?  I was just a single mother trying to survive, Ashley, and in a lot of ways I'm still a mother trying to survive, but I've just added more people to my family now.  It doesn't change the fact that people used to wonder why Ethan's father was even bothering with me, and if it was serious or some casual fling, and..."

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